About Craig Mosman
Craig Mosman of Idaho is a biotech research investor who lives in Salt Lake City, Utah. He graduated from Utah State University with a bachelor’s degree in Education, and later earned a Juris Doctorate (J.D.). Since then, Craig has remained a perpetual student throughout his career as a statesman, attorney, mentor, and entrepreneur. He has spent the last 15 years focusing on global health and diseases and has worked closely with biotechnology, genomics, molecular biology, and global health experts. Craig has given lectures and talks worldwide and conducted business on every continent (save Antarctica). He is known for his business development acumen, strategic skills, insight, and leadership. As a Team Utah businessman, Craig has worked hard to promote development in Utah, knowing that global trade is essential for long-term expansion and endurance. Craig has participated in trade missions with the State of Utah governor’s office and the Utah World Trade Center.
The World Trade Center Utah (WTCUTAH) is part of a worldwide ecosystem that includes global connectivity and integrated trade and investment services. Their goal is to make business transactions throughout the globe as simple as doing business next door. With over 300 World Trade Centers worldwide and 90 countries represented by WTC activities, they are working on forming one global network. Craig Mosman assists with networking through trade mission events. These gatherings can lead to new customers, revenue growth, and international trade and investment opportunities for all attendees. The ultimate objective is to boost the profitability and sales of Utah companies via global commerce by encouraging Utah enterprises to expand overseas sales, foreign investment, and international cooperation and raise Utah’s global position.
As far as his objectives go, Idaho professional Craig Mosman is dedicated to improving how we test and diagnose disease worldwide. When he first got involved in the biotechnical industry, Craig was president and CEO of a company that developed a novel treatment for prostate cancer. That company later spun out a technology to successfully clone an equine. Later, Craig co-founded ProBio Systems and served as Vice President. For his next venture, Craig became President of Kirkland Biosciences, a position he has held for seven years. Kirkland invests in and commercializes early-stage biotech startups. Craig took on the role of Vice President of Business Development for Cibus Biotechnologies prior to his position as VP of Business Development for Seek Labs, where he is currently employed.
In addition to global healthcare, physical fitness is very important to Craig. He has twice achieved the Grand Canyon Rim-to-Rim (R2R) hike, a 50-mile round-trip excursion that is not for the faint of heart.
Learn more about Craig Mosman by visiting craigmosman.org.

Recent Blogs
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